In October, we (Ellen and Sherry) traveled to Boulder, CO to give a keynote talk at the Celebrating Queer Identities event. The talk, A Positive View of LGBTQ Identities, is based on our forthcoming book. We also conducted an inservice workshop for counselors at the CAPS center at the University of Colorado. This workshop, Beyond Minority Stress to Strengthening LGBTQ Well-Being, is based on the lessons learned from our research about enhancing well-being for LGBTQ identified people.
The Celebrating Queer Identities event was sponsored by several area groups in Boulder: Boulder Valley Safe Schools Coalition, CU’s GLBTQ Resource Center, Out Boulder, the Parent Engagement Network, City of Boulder Human Relations Commission, Boulder County Commissioners, PFLAG-Boulder, Boulder County Aging Services Division, CU’s Counseling and Psychological Services, CU’s Psychological Health and Psychiatry, OASOS and the St. Vrain Valley Safe Schools Coalition.
We applaud these groups for embracing and celebrating LGBTQ identities!